Apache – Why is Apache Ignoring the ‘Options Indexes’ Directive?


I have the following block in my .conf file but when I load the appropriate URL (which points to a directory with just a dummy .txt file in it) I get the Apache 2 Test Page instead of a directory listing.

<Directory "/var/www/sites/www.some-site.com/public">
  Options Indexes
  [...other settings that are working fine...]

If I put an index.html file in there, it loads as expected.

The "other settings" I've omitted are for LDAP HTTP authentication and such, and they are also all working as expected.

There's no .htaccess file in the directory.

I just can't seem to get directory browsing working.

I've also tried +Indexes as well, still no luck.

Best Answer

boss found the issue. it was the conf.d/welcome.conf file. it had a LocationMatch directive that detected the absence of an index.html file and defaulted to the welcome page.