Why is Nexentastor so slow – especially to delete files


I am running a Nexentastor server with the follow specs:

dual core (core2duo) cpu
4GB of ram
1x 160GB SATA2 drive for the OS
6x 1.5TB Drives Sata2 drives in a RaidZ1

copying files is fine, fairly fast, I can normally max gigabit so no complaints.

But when it comes to manipulating files especially deleting files that is when it gets VERY painfull.

For example, Deleting a 705MB folder that has about 30 files in it took 2 minutes and 30 seconds (using the time command)

any commands I can run at the same time as rm to narrow this down?

thank you.

Best Answer

If you do not have a separate slog device, disabling ZIL will speed writes tremendously if you can afford to lose delayed writes in the event that power is lost. It seems likely that you can, because your specs indicate that you can afford to lose your entire storage server if your OS drive fails!

ZFS random read and write performance is utterly phenomenal, even with 7200 rpm drives, when the storage server has plenty of horsepower and RAM and both L2ARC and ZIL are enabled using fast SSDs. Write performance is not impressive if you are using spindles only, unless ZIL is disabled.

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