Route53 Domain Not Resolving EC2 IP – Troubleshooting Guide

amazon ec2amazon-route53amazon-web-servicesdomain-name-systemnginx

This is what I have right now:

  • A domain which is registered with Route53. This domain resides with Route53 only.
  • An nginx listening on port 80 which is then running on EC2 instance.
  • I can view the webpage served by nginx when I go to this IP on port 80.

Moving forward, I want to setup my domain to point to this IP address. This is what I am doing:

I have a public hosted zone on Route53 for this domain.

  • I have created an A record in this hosted zone with Value set to the IP of the EC2 instance.
  • I tried waiting for the TTL time.

I cannot access my nginx hosted webpage when I visit my domain. Am I missing something?

More Info:

  • My domain name is And IP with nginx is
  • I understand rebooting instance will mess up this setup. But that's not the issue I am dealing with right now.
  • This is an HTTP only web site at the moment. I want to test this before I proceed with HTTPS setup.
  • From chrome, I see a DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE error message.
  • I noticed that I can't access the server on Could this be related?
  • Does this has something to do with my nginx configuraion?

Edit 1:

As requested by Tim, here is my whole hosted zone:

hosted zone records

which are same as listed on Registered domains section:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your domain has no name servers configured. I've never used Route53 registration, but here's the general kind of steps you'd use

  • Register your domain - any registrar
  • Create a Route53 public hosted zone including an A record in your case. Route53 will tell you the name servers to use
  • Go back to the registrar and input your name servers. It's this step I think you've missed.
