Server Performance – Why is Server Working Slow and Bandwidth Chokes

apache-2.2load balancingmaster-slavenginx

We have a cloud server. We have load balancer of 3 server and one public IP. We have master slave for DB Connection.

The application serves some data to users, the users post some data and some files to server. Currently the scenario is when the number of users uploading files increases the whole system slows down and many users are not able to perform the basic operation in the web app. the CPU usage is below 25%.No error logs on the application end. The resource are free. The only thing we got is bandwidth getting choked when there are many users uploading files. Is there any solution where we can exactly detect error logs or why it is slow?

Best Answer

It is most likely that the cloud provider throttles your network I/O. You should check the monitoring tools of said provider and create an alert when you reach certain limits. Or maybe there was already an alert, but no one checked it (yet)?