Why is the nodejs application with forever not starting with Upstart on EC2 instance

amazon ec2node.jsupstart

I am trying to start a nodejs application with forever (forever simply restarts the program if it crashes), but forever itself is not auto started on boot. So I am using upstart to initialize forever.

I have tried hundreds of ways to achieve this (many trial and error attempts), but nothing really seems to work for me. So my scenarios is:

  • I am running an Amazon Linux Instance
  • The app works great if running from command line (forever is working and upstart also)
  • I am testing with sudo start prv

Here is the script I have so far (prv.conf, at /etc/init/prv.conf):

author "Renato Gama"
description "PRV"

start on runlevel [235]
stop on shutdown


export HOME="/home/ec2-user/prv/app"
exec su -c "/usr/bin/forever start -l forever.log -o /home/ec2-user/prv/logs/out.log -e /home/ec2-user/prv/logs/err.log --append /home/ec2-user/prv/app.js" root | logger -t PRV

IN FACT, from command line I can start the app by typing the following (and this works as expected):

cd /home/ec2-user/prv
sudo su -p (altough I am not using any specific env variable)
forever start -l f.log -o out.log -e err.log --append app.js

PS1 .: I haven't even tested on real boot as it doesn't even work with sudo start prv
PS2 .: If I visit the log it doesn't tell to much (exited normally). Part of the log is in this gist
PS3 .: After executing sudo start prv I got this

[ec2-user@ip-10-252-146-14 ~]$ sudo start prv
prv start/running, process 11477

But when I try to check if forever is running my proccess, it says:

[ec2-user@ip-10-252-146-14 ~]$ sudo forever list
info:    No forever processes running

PS4.: My app binds to port 80 thats why I need a privileged user to run this.

EDIT: I am almost sure the problem is that I am getting EACCESS error on port 80

Best Answer

As shown in init(5), the export line is invalid (Upstart syntax is not shell). You need to specify:

env HOME="..."
export HOME

Please see:


  • remove respawn until your job works as you expect
  • remove 'su'
  • remove 'logger'


Look in file /var/log/upstart/yourjob.log for job output.