Why is VMware vCenter Converter Standalone failing


I need to migrate some VMware guests to new hardware. We're using vSphere Hypervisor and not having much success.

I'm attempting to use VMware vCenter Converter Standalone to migrate a 10GB Ubuntu guest from an ESXi 4.0.0 host to an ESXi 4.1.0 host. After running for two hours and reporting only 3% progress the conversion failed.

The process was reporting progress at around 20KB/sec. I checked for network problems between the two servers by copying a 1GB file from a guest on one to a guest on the other via scp. This showed >10MB/sec transfer rate (with ssh compression disabled) which didn't indicate the problem was networking between the two hosts.

The converter logs are here: https://gist.github.com/870379

Best Answer

Why are you trying to use VMware Converter for this? If you have shared storage and the necessary licenses, you should be able to do a VMotion between hosts. Alternatively, if these are two standalone ESXi servers, then you can shut down the guest on the 4.0 box, use scp to copy the files to the vmfs on the new server, re-add to inventory there and then start it up.

Note: to do the above, you'll need to enable ssh (a.k.a. remote tech support mode) on both hosts. This used to be unsupported by VMware, but is now (thankfully) a fully-supported option.