Why might Windows falsely claim a self-signed root CA certificate is revoked


I created a self-signed root CA cert for internal test use, using openssl. This has been successfully installed and used as a trusted CA on a number of machines and platforms (Windows, Linux, various Java/.NET/browser clients) without issue.

One user (running WinXP SP3 / IE8) receives the following error when trying to import the CA cert into their trusted root store:
"This certificate was revoked by its certification authority"

The CA does reference a CRL which I created myself, but it is empty.
The user can manually access and view the CRL and confirm it is empty.
CRL checking is disabled in IE, but I guess this setting may not apply when populating the cert store.

What could explain this? Is there any way that a revoked cert from a different CA but with the same fingerprint could cause my CA cert to be flagged as revoked?

Best Answer

Although the thread is very old, I have the answer. Self-signed certificate can be revoked on Windows when it is placed in the Untrusted Certificates store.

About CRL: even if presented, Microsoft CryptoAPI client by default ignores CDP in a self-signed certificate and checks only non-root certificates for revocation.