Why rinetd is working locally but not working remotly


/etc/rinetd.conf 443 636
allow *

>lsop -i|grep rinetd
rinetd    27099        root    4u  IPv4 2553556       TCP *:https (LISTEN)

Also iptables -L -n returns nothings.

Still, if I try to telnet to localhost (or using the server IP) to port 443 it will work but if I try the same from another machine it will fail with telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

So, there is something on that port but it does not want to respond.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

"Connection timed out" usually indicates a firewall is in place. If it wasn't the firewall, it would say "Connection refused" or something similar (in case service isn't accessible). Run service iptables stop and if you are on RH based OS be sure to check SELinux and disable it for the time of debugging with setenforce 0.