Why the domain register requires name servers ip address


I would like to move my domain from main domain registrar name server to amazon Route 53.

The problem is that amazon gives only dns names and my registrar also requires the ip.

Is it safe to use the ip found with the host command? Would my domain work correctly if Amazon decided to change DNS ips?

//added more info:

whois for my domain returns:

beast:~ viroos$ whois domain.name

DOMAIN NAME:           domain.name
registrant type:       organization
nameservers:           nms1.onet.pl.
created:               20xx.xx.xx 01:02:22
last modified:         20xx.xx.xx 12:01:20
renewal date:          20xx.xx.xx 01:02:22

no option

Grupa Onet.pl S.A.
ul. G. Zapolskiej 44
30 - 126 Krakow
+48. 12 2600200

WHOIS displays data with a delay not exceeding 15 minutes in relation to the .pl Registry system
Registrant data available at http://dns.pl/cgi-bin/en_whois.pl

dig my new ns:

beast:~ viroos$ dig SOA in domain.name @ns-1317.awsdns-36.org.

; <<>> DiG 9.6-ESV-R4-P3 <<>> SOA in domain.name @ns-1317.awsdns-36.org.
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 64706
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;domain.name.           IN  SOA

domain.name.        900 IN  SOA ns-1317.awsdns-36.org. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400

domain.name.        172800  IN  NS  ns-475.awsdns-59.com.
domain.name.        172800  IN  NS  ns-526.awsdns-01.net.
domain.name.        172800  IN  NS  ns-1317.awsdns-36.org.
domain.name.        172800  IN  NS  ns-1756.awsdns-27.co.uk.

;; Query time: 300 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Apr 11 17:55:47 2012
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 227

new DNSes IPs:

beast:~ viroos$ host ns-475.awsdns-59.com
ns-475.awsdns-59.com has address

beast:~ viroos$ host ns-526.awsdns-01.net.
ns-526.awsdns-01.net has address

And my question is: Is it safe to fill web form in my current registrar web panel with following data (he requires exact 2 servers). Of coures I added appropriate A, MX and CNAME entries on new server:

NS1 name: ns-475.awsdns-59.com NS1 ip:
NS2 name: ns-526.awsdns-01.net NS2 ip:

Best Answer

They have a field for IP addresses in order to utilize glue records - but they shouldn't be required. If they are, your registrar needs to fix their management tools.

The NS record delegation that's configured for your domain must be DNS names; an IP address is only useful when the servers are within your own domain.

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