Wifi – AFP painfully slow


Copying a file using AFP took 40 minutes but using scp it only took 7 mins. Why is AFP so slow?

My setup:

  • D-Link DIR-300 wifi router
  • iMac with Snow-Leopard serves AFP
  • Macbook with Leopard is the client

Best Answer

Just a hunch but it's quick to test. Try doing this on both Macs:

sysctl net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack

...note what it reports. It'll be an integer, probably the value 2 or 3...then set it to zero:

sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0

...then on the AFP client, unmount all AFP-mounted volumes and re-mount them so that you're establishing new TCP connections. Then try your file copy test again and see if the speed is significantly improved.

I've run into situations where Mac OS X's TCP Delayed Ack algorithm was less than optimal, so it may be good to do this test to quickly rule that out.

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