Wifi – Can two users on an 802.11n network with WPA/WPA2 intercept each other’s traffic


I know that WPA/WPA2 encryption is a pretty good safeguard against snooping by people outside a wireless network. But can someone in the network (i.e. who has been given the shared key) monitor/intercept the traffic (e.g. plain http browsing) of another user on the same network?

EDIT: additional scenario: Alice is on wireless; Bob is connected via ethernet cable to the router. Can Alice intercept Bob's traffic?

Best Answer

No they can't. WPA/WPA2 provides different per session key for data encryption. PSK start with the same passphrase, however each station is given different key for unicast traffic. The only traffic you will see(or decrypt) through sniffer is broadcast packet. So the situation is same as you sniffer traffic when you are connected to wire switch.

q2) No. alice is not able to intercept.

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