Wifi – Can’t ping D-Link AP From different subnet


I have two different subnets set up on my network (say 10.10.10.* and 10.10.12.*). I am having difficulty pinging a D-Link access point (was a router, now configured to be an AP) located on subnet 1 from subnet 2. However, I can ping other computers on the network. Here is a breakdown:

Assume: — Desktop Computer — Access Point 1 (D-Link) — Access Point 2 (Linksys) — Laptop Computer connected to either AP1 or AP2

ping from -> to -> No Go -> Works -> Works

Interestingly enough, the D-Link AP works fine aside from not being ping-able. I can connect to it, access internet from it, and ping other network computers while connected to it; I just can't ping the AP from outside the subnet.

Any ideas why this might be? What sort of things should I test?

Best Answer

Did you set the gateway on the D-link when you set it as an AP?

Since pings work from local network, but not from other networks, this could be the most obvious problem, and easiest to verify.

After edit:

Did you check the firewall rules on the AP? Some allow pings only from "LAN" networks (not from WAN), or directly attached networks.

With default firmware, it's hard to debug, but if there's *wrt on it, you can try testing with tcpdump if packets come to the AP (they should), and check the firewall rules.