Wifi – Captive portal detection by Apple Oses, iOS ‘splash CNA popup’ does not show


I built a captive portal (Linux Debian router),
providing a WifiHotspot based on hostapd and iptables rules ( like this: http://www.andybev.com/index.php/Using_iptables_and_PHP_to_create_a_captive_portal ).

It works, by redirecting any request to a local welcome login page.

On Android, Kindle: the portal is detected as captive. And something happens ( notification, alert, popup…)

On iOS, the CNA (Captive Network Assistant), nothing happens. Unless I put wispr payload in the local pages ('Reply' one, MessageType=100, code=0).
Example: http://www.coova.org/node/4346

My question is: why ? Why without WispR "tag" there is no CNA ?

Best Answer

Put the wispr payload, it is required.

I must confess I have been painful and unsuccessfuk in finding doc about. A bounty is to come about: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31650338/apple-documentation-about-wispr-cna