Wifi – Gateway software for wifi hot spot


Im looking for a solutions to set-up free wifi hot spot, but not completely open – i want to give access to all customers via paper coupons/codes. Like, each code is valid for 3 hours of surfing internet. It is kinda complicated, so i`ll try to explain the idea by steps:

  1. Client come to a place (coffee shop, etc) and ask for the access code
  2. Connect to unsecured wireless network
  3. Redirect to gateway login page until client enter his access code (if not – disconnect in 3-5 mins)
  4. Assign the access code to client`s MAC address and IP address
  5. Disconnect client on code expiration time

Another problem is: how to control the traffic on regular wifi access point? I know, it is easy to do with server gateway, but the original requirement is based on basic wifi routers.

I understand, this is really specific project, so i wanna know, which systems can fit this requirements the best ? Any helpful ideas ?

Best Answer

If you got WRTG54 routers, using OpenWRT and WiFi Dog might suit your needs. It all depends on your AP software and Radius server for accounting.

There's also CovaAP that may interest you.

I'll hope somebody will fully answer your question as i am planning a similar setup.

Hope this helps.

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