Wifi – How to monitor/log wireless events including failed authorization attempts


Is it possible to log wireless events including failed authorization attempts?

I have two access points and also would like to see, which one is serving which client and see when client is connected to another AP.

Also, my access points are separate devices, so, I would like to monitor this from separate WiFi card on Linux machine.

Is it possible?

Best Answer

Usually you can track events from access point(s) by checking its logs. Some of the APs support syslog export, so you can direct AP's logs to your local system and use something like fail2ban or other log analyzer to catch failed attempts.

Not all APs support exporting logs with syslog.

Edit: It seems to be possible to sniff for the traffic, once you're connected to AP you can sniff all the traffic to/from it: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/12596/can-a-hacker-sniff-others-network-data-over-a-wireless-connection

Edit2: I could't capture any of unicast traffic in my home network. So probably it is something hardly possible.