Wildcard ‘A’ record overriding CNAME record


I have a Wildcard * A record for self-registration of subdomains by users on our web app. All works fine.

I now need to set up an alias for support.mydomain.com to point to mydomain.freshdesk.com. I created a CNAME record as per instructions however it appears my Wildcard A record is overriding the CNAME entry.

Any thoughts on how to resolve this? I need the wildcard so creating an A record for each user subdomain is not possible.


Best Answer

The more specific DNS record overrides the wildcard. So your CNAME should override your wildcard A. What this might be is that you still have the domain name cached to the a record. Use the dig command:

dig @yourdnsserver mydomain.freshdesk.com

Normally it should return the CNAME.