Will a higher bandwidth Internet connection lower ping response time


It sounds obvious that a faster connection lowers latency… But I wonder: I am working remotely on a host the other side of the world – light can only travel so fast (1 foot in a nano second) and we both have broadband connections in excess of 1,000kbps upload and 10,000kbps download:

Will a higher bandwidth connection lower the time it takes to ping?? Since it is very little data how would a faster connection help? Currently ping takes 450ms is there any way I can improve it??

Best Answer

First, Bandwidth is not the same as latency. A faster connection won't necessarily reduce your latency. 450ms does seem a little slow but not that far off if you are going 1/2 way across the world. As a frame of reference a high speed, low latency link will take ~70-80ms to cross the US. You might be able to eek a bit less latency by changing your provider assuming they have a more optimal peering path. but I can't promise anything.

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