Win 2008 R2 – copying TO disk is very slow, copying FROM is more or less okay


I have Windows 2008 R2 SP1 with 4 identical SATA disks (Seagate Barracude 7200) in RAID 5 array. It has 4Gb of memory; all recent updates are installed. Problem: when I copy large file from one folder to another, I get about 10MB/s average speed. When I read this file from network share via 1Gbps connection – I get about 25-30 MB/s. Both numbers seems to be low for me – but specifically I'm very frustrated with low write speed.

there is no antivirus, no hyper-v, it's just a fileserver – i when i do my tests nobody else reads/write from it (we have only 4 people in a team, so I'm sure).

Not sure if that matters, but there is only 1 logic disk "C" with all available space (1400 GB).

I'm not an admin at all, so I have no idea where to look and what other information to provide. I did run performance monitor with "% idle time", "avg bytes read", "avg byte write" – here is the screenshot:

enter image description here

I'm not sure why there are such obvious spikes.

Any idea? Please let me know if you need me to provide more information – what counters should I check, etc. I'm very eager to get this solved.

Thank you.

UPDATE: we have another Windows 2008 R2 SP1 server with 2 RAID1 arrays – one is disk C (where windows is installed, another one is disk E). It is running Hyper-V and does not have antivirus. I noticed the following behavior when I copy large file (few GBs):

  1. C -> C: about 50MB/sec
  2. C -> E: about 55MB/sec
  3. E -> E: 8MB/sec!!!
  4. E -> C: 8MB/sec!!!

what could cause this?? E drive is RAID1 array from same Seagate Barracuda 1TB drives..

Best Answer

Nearly all RAID5 implementations suffer from a write penalty. The short answer is: Never use RAID5, ever. The longer answer is, RAID 5 is useful in a select handful of cases where overall IOPS are not terribly important. When you're copying files to another folder, you're reading and writing to the same set of disks, which causes I/O contention greater than the sum of the cost of the operations. The reason is simple: It takes time for the disks to physically seek to the appropriate location on the disks.

Intel ICH10R is a type of "fake RAID," where the motherboard creates and maintains an array without the typical benefits of a dedicated processor and battery-backed cache. This generally does not perform well. A battery-backed cache (aka RAM) stores a number of operations and keeps you from thrashing your disks directly. To compound matters, 7.2K RPM SATA disks are also cheap and plentiful, but by no means perform well in a large-data environment.

In conclusion, you're pushing consumer hardware to its (realistic) limits. Make sure you have the absolute latest drivers, and take a serious look at buying a RAID card to help your ailing and slow storage system (note that you'll need to start from scratch, as RAID implementations are not inter-compatible).

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