Win2008 R2 server core software RAID


I am trying to set up software raid on a win2008 R2 server core. I have the disks configured as dynamic. In the server manager gui, i can see the disks, but when i right click, the option to set up "new mirrored volume" is not listed. I tried it with the command line using diskpart, and it gives the error "Virtual Disk Service Error: The size of the extent is less than the minimum." The drive are a new pair of 1Tb disks.

Is this not supported in server core, or am i missing something else?

Thank you

Best Answer

So is the size of the extent big enough? IE is the free unpartitioned space available big enough to house the partition you right-clicked? Some 1TB disks have different actual size...

Also, I'd normally just init the disks as basic disks, create a partition on one and then "add disk" to that one to create the mirror which would then do the conversion logic for me, instead of manually converting to dynamic disks first. Something akin to (not tested for syntax perfect-ness and only applicable if this is a data volume, not the boot volume ;):

clean all
create volume simple disk=1
add disk=2
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