Win2008: SC SDSET – how to grant a specific local user rights to stop and start a specific local service


Where is a useful reference for the sdset command?

I can read and read, and I have yet to find a straightforward list of steps to say:

Service: App
User: Joe

Grant Joe start/stop/restart to App

(Why can't it be that easy? )

Note: Getting sdset wrong can cause a service to disappear from Service Manager, and only be visible to root/system (invisible to administrators!). Getting this right is important.

Best Answer

Someone has explained it in all of its glory here:

Essentially you can get the SID of the security principal using something like Sysinternals PSGETSID, and piece together the SDDL string that is to be used with sc sdset.

If you're concerned about it going sideways, you should export a backup copy of the registry key:
