Win2008 Scheduled task won’t start 7zip.exe


I made a backup tool for MS SQL Express that -daily- backs up, 7zips and uploads the zipped files via FTP.
It is a program made in, built as an .EXE with a .config file. One of the functions calls a file "7zip.exe".
Anyway, on Win2003 (20 webservers) this works perfect. Small databases, big databases, slow servers, powerstations…
The 'daily basis' is created by launching a scheduled task at night.

Now in Win2008 R1 I also created a 'basic task' and set it up.
When I launch it, I see it working except the 7 zip does nothing. It has something to do with the scheduled task because when I run the .EXE normally (double clicking…) it 7zips, as it should be.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Are you using 7za.exe? It's the command line executable for 7zip, which we find works best for scripting.