Windows 10 RDP Connection doesn’t show credentials dialog

rdpremote desktopwindowswindows 10

I can't seem to find anything about this anywhere.

I'm using Windows 10 (not Insider Preview), and have the latest updates.

Whenever I attempt to remotely connect to any server using RDP, I see the standard window:

The normal RDP window -- nothing funky here

However, when I click connect, I expect to be presented with a username and password dialog. Instead, I get that same window — without the ability to enter a username or password:

WTF? Where are the actual text boxes?

It's truly bizarre, and I haven't even been able to find results googling for it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Update: This dialog also appears when using an alternate RDP program such as RDCMan. When I enter credentials correctly in that program, it works. When I enter incorrect credentials and the credential dialog pops up, it looks as it does in my screenshot.

What I've Tried So Far

Per some great suggestions below, I've tried the following things:

  • Checked Credential Manager. I opened the Windows Credential Manager to see if anything was stored there. While there were some "generic credentials" that appeared to be related to MS Office, there were no windows credentials stored:

enter image description here

  • Checked to make sure I had the latest updates. I've updated several times since.
  • Attempted to use "Show Options" to pre-populate the username. Unfortunately, when prompted for the password portion, the screen was still blank.

Best Answer

I had the same issue; and the only workaround I could figure out (from earlier experiences) was this:

  1. Press Windows Start
  2. Search for Credential Manager
  3. When in Credential Manager, press "Add a Windows credential"
  4. Enter the machine you want to connect to with the associated username and password
  5. You should now be able to "sign in" without the malfunctioning prompt (if your credentials are valid)

Hope this help you.