Windows 10 Update Failing On Previous WSUS Client

windows 10wsus

I previously had client computers (Windows 7) configured for using WSUS. When we went to take the Windows 10 upgrades, we were told that Windows Server Update Service is incompatible with Windows 10 and should be manually removed. We hadn't been making any substantial use of WSUS, so I uninstalled the role from our 2012 server, however the installer on the clients is still reporting the WSUS agent as installed.

How can I manually remove the WSUS alterations to the Windows Update agent in order to get the Windows 10 upgrade working?

Best Answer

It sounds like you need to change Group Policy settings; that's usually how clients are pointed at the WSUS server in the first place, instead of Microsoft for updates.

Edit GP and look in Comp Config -> Admin Temp -> Win Comp -> Win Update. Start by making sure Specify Intranet... is disabled. Disabled == clients will look to MS for updates.

If GP isn't specifying an intranet updates server, then perhaps someone manually configured the clients' reg keys. Check a client's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate to confirm.