Windows 2003 shutdown instead of reboot


I've got a very strange problem. On the net I can only find problems with Server 2003 pc's, that reboot instead of shutting down, but in my case… (go figure) it does the opposite. When I choose to reboot, the system shutdown.

Yes I am sure I used the reboot button. It happens via start ==> reboot and it happens when clicking on the reboot button when the update's have been installed.

Nothing changed to the system's hardware. Only update's have been installed on the system.

I did notice something odd in the logs when rebooting: Description: Timed out sending notification of target device change to window of "C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE" KB: They talk about a removable drive, but in my case, it's explorer.exe :s it appears 4 times.

OS: Windows Server 2003 R2. Services: AD, DNS, DHCP, WSUS.

Thanks in advance!

Greetings from Belgium

Best Answer

Are you physically on the server, or running RDP? I've found that funky things happen with reboots unless you're connected in "console" mode. To get this, you'll need to run mstsc /admin (Vista) or mstsc /console (XP)