Windows 2008 Enterprise Windows Update does not update and it does not error


I have a Virtual Windows 2008 Enterprise server. When i go to Windows Update it says No new updates are available for your computer but i DO believe it is not actually checking for updates. When i click on Check For Updates, in other servers it does like a 1-2 seconds checking ( you can see the progress bar bouncing ) but this 4 servers (the only ones with 32 bits, rest are 64bits and they all update like a charm.) takes about a quarter of a second or less. it's just impossible that in such a short time it actually connects.

One more thing is it has no history of updates… you know that's impossible with windows products. Brand new installations already needs updates… I can see a long, up to 30 items, in the 64bits server.

This is frustrating since we cant do much in our servers without getting errors and crazyness. Specially trying to get .net 4.0 to work.

Please, some help on this?

Best Answer

if you can ping your patching server ( if not an internal WSUS server or similar), run:

sc stop wuauserv
sc start wuauserv

Then check for updates again.

If this doesn't work, give more information on where patches are coming from. WSUS troubleshooting is different from the web.
