Windows 2008 Performance Monitor – Disk Performance

hard driveperformance-monitoringwindows

We have a Windows 2008 R2 server with SQL installed. We are trying to measure if the disk performance is causing any bottle necks. I've found many suggestions regarding which monitors to use, but am having trouble understanding the results. Each counter uses a different scale and I don't know how that could effect the analysis. This server is hosted and storage is provided by a back end SAN. Are there any good articles that give you a table of what is a good or bad result and what scale the counter should be using for those results?

Thanks You!

Best Answer

Here's one on diskperf, its counters and a description.

And here's its parent chapter on the general topic. It's got some really good sub-sections, for example, Resolving Disk Bottlenecks.

Dropping some general terms (or the names of the counter in question) into Google also yields a plethora of official tehcnnet documentation (and unofficial discussions, as well), so you should have no trouble finding what you're looking for on your own, honestly. I think this one's one of my preferred pages when I need quick run down on precisely what that performance counter actually means, though.