Windows 2008 R2 server loses connection to Active Directory


One of our many 2008R2 servers constantly loses connection to the domain, meaning that users cannot login to shares etc on the server, and it basically becomes useless.

The event sometimes generated by the server when this happens is 3210 with the error code 0xC0000022.

This does however not always happen.

Running NETDOM RESETPWD /Server:AD01 /UserD:domainadmin /PasswordD:domainadminpassword makes it work again until it dies again. Sometimes minutes after, sometimes days after.

We have also tried the usual unjoin/rejoin domain on the server, without success.

This is happening 4-6 times a day at the moment, so it is quite a big issue.

The only services run by the server are file sharing and printing services.

Best Answer

I have been experiencing this problem as well. The stop gap solution I have found is restarting the SERVER service from the Services Control Manager. Obviously it's not a solution, but it keeps me from having to reboot servers every few days.