Windows 2012: Managing Local Users with a Domain Admin Account


I have two machines with Windows 2012 r2. In one, under Computer Management->System Tools I see a "Local Users and Groups" submenu. In the other, I do not see it. How can two different machines in the same domain present two different sets of capabilities?

The machine in which I can see Local Users and Groups is running Windows Storage Server 2012 R2. It is a Dell box of recent vintage. The machine in which I cannot see Local Users and Groups is running Windows Server 2012 R2. It is a virtual machine.

Using set under cmd, I can see that the LOGONSERVER is identical. AS well, my USERNAME is identical, as is my USERDOMAIN.

I'm new at this Windows Admin stuff so I really need to wrap my head around Windows user access control. If it's inconsistent, I grow confused!

Best Answer

One of the servers is a Domain Controller. Domain Controllers don't have local user accounts or security groups.