Windows 2012 – Using Robocopy with Deduplication Active


Current Issue: File Cluster Disk of 14 TB Size needs an CHKDSK which can't be done because it lasts too long. So I'm going to replace this disk in the storage of the cluster. I run many times the copyjob with robocopy. No problem at all till I saw a big difference.

My Issue:
The new disk with the copied data needed 1 TB more diskspace than the original one. Is that caused by Dedup? I've deleted the volume and will restart the copyjob.

Env: Windows 2012 Server (no R2!)

Current Disk: Deduplication Active

New Disk: Copied files with robocopy

Robocopy command:

robocopy I:\ E:\ /E /COPYALL /PURGE /MIR /B /R:1 /W:1 /LOG:C:\Temp\robocopy\logfile.log /NFL /NDL /NP 

Should I exclude with /XP the System Information Volume? When I check the volume with treesize, it shows that 95% (on both drives) of the storage place is used from system volume information.

Deduplication is automatically active on the new drive. So what do I have to conisder for a safely way to copy my data?

Best Answer

Yes, you absolutely want to exclude "System Information Volume". Otherwise you risk wasting space on your source volume or corrupting already deduplicated files.


To complete your copy, you will probably have to set the dedup MinimumFileAgeDays setting to 0, and run robocopy more than once. When the copy fails due to lack of disk space, run dedup using the PowerShell command Start-DedupJob. Then run the copy again. You might have to repeat this process a couple of times until everything fits.