Windows 2016 Storage Spaces Direct + Data Deduplication


Has anyone combined S2D (Storage Spaces Direct) with Data Deduplication?

Is this even possible or recommended practice?

Please elaborate on why this is a good idea or not.

EDIT: Just stumbled across this article in regards to Server 2012 R2. It does mention Server 2016, but at the time it wasn't fully released. There's also more info on S2D as well as Data Deduplication on Server 2016 – here but not much information on using the two together. It seems based on the first url that they have limited functionality when used at the same time.

Best Answer

Agreed with Chopper, with Storage Spaces dedupe working as it should be. I'm not sure about S2D right now because it is raw. Microsoft improving S2D day by day, so I think it should work. Improvements you can see from this topic.