Windows 7 blocks network access to network-installed apps

group-policywindows 7windows-server-2008-r2

Windows 2008 R2 domain. Users, running Windows 7 Enterprise, are trying to run some software from a network share. Specifically, I've tested this with MATLAB and PuTTY.

When starting, MATLAB has to contact a licensing server to get its license. This action fails for regular users when they start MATLAB from the network share. However, if they copy the installation directory to a local disk everything works fine. Running MATLAB as an admin user from the network share also works.

Same story with PuTTY. If the executable is launched from the share, regular users cannot connect to any servers.

Something is blocking network communications for programs that are launched from a network drive. Here's the only other mention I could find of the same problem:

It's not the Windows firewall or the IE security settings. Does anyone have any clue as to what this is?


Quick update – this seems to be related to the fact that the shared drive is actually a DFS share.

For example, if I map Q: to \\server\shared and then run Q:\PUTTY.EXE, everything works fine. If I map Q: to \\\DFS\shared (which is exactly the same share, only accessed through DFS), the process started by Q:\PUTTY.EXE has no network access.

I found another related question, also with no answer:

Can't run utilities that use the network from a Windows Server 2008 DFS share

Best Answer

I know you think it doesn't have to do with your IE security settings, but I urge you to reconsider. The fact that your DFS share is an FQDN makes me suspect the issue detailed here.