Windows 7 Folder Redirection (GPO)

directoryfolder-redirectiongroup-policywindows 7

I have been fighting this issue for a day or two now, so I am looking for some insight. I am taking over admin duties in a domain of 800 users, and the previous admins really did not employ much of any GPO settings for the clients of the Domain.

In each site, there is a location on the file server where "Home" folders were manually created.
EX: \server\home\enduser

Whenever a user got a machine, the admin would manually right-click on the "My Documents" folder and manually enter the path to the home folder.

We are planning to start putting Windows 7 machines on the Network, and I am wanting to automate as much as I can, everything that was not done in the past.

Since everyone has exising "Home" folders I have been fighting and trying to get Folder Redirection to work with a new Windows 7 machine (In a Test OU). I am getting all kinds of errors and I can't get the Windows 7 "Documents" folder to redirect to the users EXISTING home folders.

As I stated earlier, all of the Home folders were (and still are) manually created on the File Server and are set with the following Security permissions –

Domain Admins – Full Control
euser (end user) – Modify (Everything but Full)

Can someone point me in the right direction on the proper setting to put in the Folder Redirection GPO to get this to work with the Existing Home folders.

Best Answer

When I was looking into something similar, when migrating from XP to 7, I found that we needed 2 policies with WMI filtering in them to identify 7/XP machines.

Maybe you can look into that a bit more as an alternative due to the profile directory changes from XP -> Vista/7

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