Windows 7, network connection with no default gateway: any way to change the “Unknown network” status

gatewaynetworkingwindows 7

I have a computer running Windows 7 Pro RTM. This computer has two network connections:

  • A Wi-fi connection to the Internet (through a home router) which works just fine.
  • An OpenVPN virtual network connection. More precisely, this is a virtual Ethernet connection which behaves exactly like a physical Ethernet wired connection.

My problem is that the "Network and sharing center" shows "Unknown network" for the OpenVPN connection. After some research I found that logical networks (outside a domain) are identified by the MAC address of the default gateway of the connection. Problem is, the OpenVPN connection has no default gateway: it is a private network, so I don't need one…

Consequently, the "Unknown network" is always considered public, so the firewall is always in "public mode", which I don't want. Plus, I can't rename "Unknown connection" or anything (which makes sense), so it is kinda ugly.

My goal is to define a proper logical network for the OpenVPN connection with the private profile. I know of some workarounds (disable the firewall, modify security policy to make all unknown networks "private") but they're still workarounds. I just want my clients to connect to the VPN without having to disable their firewall settings, without changing global configuration with potential side-effects (the "security policy" solution) and without having to look at an ugly "Unknown connection" in the Network and sharing center.

Is there any way I can do this? I tried to check what was going on in the registry (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList is interesting), but I still didn't find a way to "force" the OpenVPN connection to be assigned to a logical network.

Any help would be very appreciated.

A related question showed up at Superuser:

Best Answer

There is a Powershell script here that looks like it does what you want.