Windows 7 Office 2007 GPO install

group-policymicrosoft-office-2007windows 7

I have a GPO that works fine for installing Office 2007 Pro Plus on Vista and XP but when it installs Office on Windows 7 somehow the office key does not get entered via the customized msp, and needs to be entered manually. Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions for a fix? Its defeats the purpose of remote unattended install if I then have to run around entering the stupid key.

edit: I am sorry I should have specified I also have the config.xml file customized already. I have it set to display level none, completion no, suppress modal to yes accept eula to yes, the key put in and the company name and the username variable (%USERNAME%).

Best Answer

I tought the deploy was supposed to run with the config.xml?

Anyways, I am running it with xml in our GPO deploy and it works flawlessly for xp/vista/win7. We also ad swedish language support cuz we want it:)

put the folowing xml in config.xml in the ProPlus.WW folder, the run from the gpo:


<Configuration Product="ProPlus">
  <Display Level="Basic" CompletionNotice="No" SuppressModal="No" AcceptEula="Yes" /> 
  <COMPANYNAME Value="CompanyName" /> 
  <AddLanguage Id="match" /> 
  <AddLanguage Id="en-us" ShellTransform="Yes" /> 
  <AddLanguage Id="sv-se" /> 

Im sorry this is not an answer to your question, tough it should work as a workaround for you. Ps. if you want the installer to run compleately silent use the display level="none" instead of basic. Basic only gives you a progressbar.. ds.

Technet link

Good luck!

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