Windows 7 Print Spooler service keeps stopping

printingwindows 7windows-service

I have a Windows 7 (32 bit) client where the print spooler service keeps stopping a few seconds after I restart it.

The event log doesn't provide any clear indication of the cause of the error. It only provides the following information:

The Print Spooler service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this x time(s).

I cannot find any information on this. I tried uninstalling whatever print driver was there. However this did not fix the issue.

Best Answer

+1 for bad driver

Better way to delete drivers:

Under Control Panel and Administrative tools theres a new option here in windows 7 labled Print Management. From here you can see all the printers you have ever installed and all the drivers that are still amongst the system. under the option All Drivers on the left is where I found the print driver I new was hanging around somewhere but couldnt find to remove, Right clicking on the printer name and choosing Remove Printer Package allowed for windows 7 to scan for and find the drivers and allows you to delete them. (Similar to the Server properties Drivers Tab from previous windows versions)