Windows 7 – Fix Network Share Connection Issues with Passworded Shares

network-sharenetworkingwindowswindows 7

We run a simple Windows 2000 server that hosts some of our shared files across the office.
On my laptop I have run Windows 7 Build 7057 for the past time with no issues whatsoever.

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 RC1 and find that I can no longer connect to network shares on the Windows 2000 server. Doing so (supplying the right credentials) results in the following error:

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password


  • We do not run a domain server
  • The network share works on every other system
  • My Windows Firewall is disabled
  • I am running a 64 bit version of Windows 7 RC 1
  • Things worked fine using build 7057
  • Credentials are 100% fine
  • Connecting to another desktop's shared folders (without a password) works fine
  • Connecting via net use results in a system error 1326
  • I have already tried to supply the username in the form of <servername>\<username>

Is there something else I am overlooking? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Try this:

  • Disable the firewall
  • Ensure that the share works on another comptuer
  • Run 'secpol.msc' > Local Policies > Security Options > Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level > Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 if negotiated
  • Check the date and time.