Windows 7 Requiring FQDN To Access Network Shares

active-directorydomain-name-systemfile-sharingwindows 7

The Windows 2003 AD Domain I manage has several Windows XP clients and one Windows 7 RC1 client. Recently, the Windows 7 client has started refusing to access network shares unless the FQDN of the host is provided. Interestingly, DNS resolution using only the hostname works fine. Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to resolve it?

Works Fine

ping hostname


Doesn't Work

Error: Error code 0x80070035 - The network path was not found.

Error: Error code 0x80004005 - Unspecified error


This issue resolved itself about a day after I posted this question. Perhaps it was a time synchronization issue as Moose suggested. Thank you all for your help. If I am ever able to reproduce this problem, I will revisit this question and explore these solutions further.

Best Answer

Did you by chance stop and/or disable the Windows Firewall service in Windows 7 (as opposed to merely disabling the firewall itself)?

Windows 7 encounters all sort of weird network troubles if that service isn't running.

I saw a whole network going completely nuts because someone used a GPO to actually disable the service, instead of only configuring the firewall to be off.