Windows 7 SP1 Installation Failed with C0000034

updatewindows 7

I am looking after a small (12 PCs) network mostly made up of Windows 7 PCs about half 32-bit with the remainder 64-bit or Vista. WSUS is setup on the server and all computers are configured via group policy to retrieve updates from WSUS.

It seems that at about 1700 GMT last night all of the Windows 7 PCs downloaded and offered Windows 7 SP1. My well trained highly technical users diligently installed SP1 which promptly hosed their computers.

More specifically when the they restart the install process hangs with Fatal Error C0000034. I have been able to restore some PCs using System Restore or Recovery Images the remainder I seem to be able to fix from recovery console by restoring the registry manually.

I am at a bit of a loss as to why SP1 has hosed all of the PCs at once, there is nothing unusual on there and all have been rebuilt within the last 8 months.

  • Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
  • Visual Studio 2010
  • Office 2007
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection
  • Tortoise SVN

Anyone else experienced this today? and if so has anyone found a solution. I have blocked the installation of Win 7 SP1 with the SP1 blocker tool provided by Microsoft.

Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

I've had this exact same problem on two of our customers computers. This thread has been of some help to me, but I still haven't figured out whats causing the error.

Update: I spent almost two hours on the phone with Microsoft Tech Support on this issue. The support tech had me do the following steps:

  1. Boot into Windows Recovery and choose command prompt then run the following commands:
  2. Reg load HKLM\BaseSystem C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM
  3. Reg Delete "HKLM\BaseSystem\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" /v SetupExecute
  4. Reg add "HKLM\BaseSystem\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" /v SetupExecute /t REG_MULTI_SZ
  5. Reg unload HKLM\BaseSystem
  6. Restart the Computer.

I'm posting more info as we learn it our blog.

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