Windows – “A referral was returned from the server” from ActiveDirectory plugin


I am using (trying to anyway) an ActiveDirectory plugin for ScrewTurn wiki called UserAuth (by "ElectricImages"). Whenever a user logs into the Wiki's login page with correct network credentials (provides domain\user and password), they get a login error and the ScrewTurn log shows the message Authentication of …… failed: A referral was returned from the server.

If the user gives the wrong password, then the log says Authentication of …… failed: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password, so it seems that ActiveDirectory is in fact getting the authentication info.

What could be going wrong?

Best Answer

OK, I fixed it... There were 2 problems:

  1. I needed to use the fully qualified name, e.g. (as suggested by squillman)

  2. I needed to change the "Anonymous Access" user in IIS to be a network user that has access to Active Directory (previously, it was a local machine user)

Thanks all who helped!