Windows – Access Denied errors on some files in shared folder


I have an XP Pro system using Simple File Sharing. Sharing is enabled for a particular folder, as well as "Allow network users to change my files".

When copying (reading) the shared files from another machine, some of them (about 20 out of 1000, give an Access Denied error. No programs have the files open.

I have to go to the machine that is sharing the files and run

CACLS C:\MySharedFolder\*.* /T /e /g Everyone:c

This fixes the problem and all the files can be accessed. But it is inconvenient to have to run that command. After a few days or weeks, the error returns.

What is the root cause of this error? It seems that program that accesses the files (In this case Eudora) is incorrectly setting the permissions – but why only on this machine?
I have other machines with identical configurations of shared folders that never have this problem.

Best Answer

Classically, this can be caused by users cutting and pasting files into a share. This means that if the files (at source) were set to not inherit permissions from the parent folder, when they are cut & paste to the destination, they keep their old permissions.