Windows – Access denied running gpo logon batch script executing reg add/query


I am using MS Server 2012 R2 64bit with Active Directory installed. I want to execute a few batch scripts when the user logs into a computer. These scripts use the "reg add/query" commands to check if a registry key exists and if it doesn't it will create it and set a value to the new key.
The problem I'm having is that it seems that every time the scripts run when a user executes, the scripts attempt to execute the reg add/query commands and it gets an "access denied" message.
Here is a sample of my batch script:

reg query HKCU\Software\myownkey >null 2>&1

   echo myownkey doesn't exist. Must create it.
   reg add HKCU\Software /v myownkey /t REG_DWORD /f /d 1 >null 2>&1


When the user logs into the machine, the script is executed and then it pauses so I can see if the script executed properly or not. All I see is that it prints "Access Denied" every time it attempts to query/add the registry.

Any one knows how to solve this problem? Am I better off using powershell scripts instead and won't run into this problem?

Thank you in advanced!

Best Answer

Do not double L in NUL:

reg query HKCU\Software\myownkey >NUL 2>&1

>null attempts to redirect command output to a file named null in the current directory which is supposedly C:\Windows or C:\Windows\system32.


The null device is a special file that discards all data written to it, but reports that the write operation succeeded.

It is often used to hide the output (or error output) of a command.


SomeCommand >nul

Nul provides no data to any process that reads from it (yielding EOF immediately)

For more examples see the redirection page.