Samba – Accessing Linux File Share Without ‘AllowInsecureGuestAuth’ on Windows Clients


I have to set a registry key on all Windows 10 clients since the Windows 10 1709 update, because MS disabled the guest account access by default superuser MS TechJourney:


MS recommends:

The recommended solution is to add an explicit account and password on your NAS device […]

I have this set up. To access the shares on the samba server you have to type username and pw, but w/o setting the above registry key, the client PC cannot even list the available file shares on the samba server. What is wrong in my configuration?

workgroup = <censored>
server string = <censored>
interfaces = lo enp3s0 <censored>/25
bind interfaces only = yes
hosts allow = 127. <censored>

allow insecure wide links = yes

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
log level = 1

# Standalone Server Options 
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam

map to guest = Bad User
guest account = nobody

smb encrypt = auto

# Browser Control Options 
local master = yes
os level = 255
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes

# Name Resolution 
wins support = yes

# Share Definitions 
comment = <censored>
path = /home
public = no
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770
veto files = /lost+found/pub/user/backupbot/

comment = <censored>
path = /home/pub/
public = no
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 2770
veto files = /TempDrive/Papierkorb/
inherit permissions = Yes

# allow access from public to media/extra/Software 
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes

Best Answer


map to guest = Never

The problem was

map to guest = Bad User says

Note that this parameter is needed to set up "Guest" share services. This is because in these modes the name of the resource being requested is not sent to the server until after the server has successfully authenticated the client so the server cannot make authentication decisions at the correct time (connection to the share) for "Guest" shares.

After disabling map to guest (which means the default "map to guest = Never" is used) Windows 10 (1709+) client machines can connect, also I do not completely understand why. Please comment if you can explain this.