Windows AD with external DNS


How do I configure Windows AD to use an external DNS server? We have a tool for managing DNS. We're attempting to use Windows AD for authentication. In order to get a server to join the domain, we must point it to the AD server as DNS. However, in so doing, the server that is pointed to the AD server for DNS can no longer resolve hostnames in our environment.

We're using for our login domain across the environment. All of our servers are

When I join to the domain it can no longer resolve, unless I manually add the DNS entry for do the DNS on the AD server.

We don't want to have to create two DNS entries for everything so we need the AD server to look at the external DNS server for DNS.

I attempted to create a Forward Lookup Stub zone for but when I get to the "Specify the DNS servers from which you want to load the zone" and enter my dns server I get an error when attempting to validate: "An unknown error occurred"

Attempting to add a new delegation under my existing domain is bet with the same error when adding DNS servers.

Admittedly, I'm not a Windows Admin and my understanding of AD is superficial at best, but it seems like what I'm asking for should be relatively simple… I'm just looking for a recursive lookup on hostnames from the domain controller.

Any pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

However, in so doing, the server that is pointed to the AD server for DNS can no longer resolve hostnames in our environment.

If that's the problem, why not set up a forwarder in AD to your desired DNS server? Open the DNS mmc snap-in on your AD server, right click on the server name (not the zone or any of the folders) and choose "Properties". This will open a dialog window that include a tab labeled "Forwarders" where you can add the IP address of your desired DNS server and set the lookup order.