Windows – Adding a local user from one Windows machine to a local group on another Windows machine


I would like to add a local user account from a remote computer to a local group on a Windows "server core" box. Neither the workstation, nor the server are in a domain. Is that possible?

Will something like this work? net localgroup "Distributed COM Users" /add computer\user

Best Answer

No, it's not possible. You can't add a local user from MachineA to a local group on MachineB.

If you create a local user on the server that is the same as the local user on the remote machine and you make it so that the passwords are identical, you can grant that user access to resources on the server and it will work. It's not a great solution since you need to know that user's password and you need to keep it in sync.

If you need this kind of control, you really need AD.