Windows – After installing MS SQL Server 2012 not able to log into SSMS

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Okay, lot's of posts around the internet on this subject. But I haven't been able to find an answer I was looking for. I installed SQLS 2012 on Windows Server 2012. I installed the Engine and the Reporting Server. In the Database Engine Configuration I just checked Windows Authentication Mode and specified a Security Group I created on the AD as the SQL Server Administrators.

I log in to the SQL Server with an account that is Domain Admin and a member of the SQL Server Adminsitrators group. When I open SSMS I can login to the Reporting Services using Windows credentials, but are not able to contact the Database Engine. Login failed for user 'MYDOM\myadminuser' Reason: Could not fund a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT: ]

  1. I see a lot of tips saying: "Use mixed mode instead of Windows authentication mode". Where can I change that if I cannot access the Database Engine with SSMS.
  2. Followup: I want to authenticate only users known in the AD. Why would I need mixed mode?

Best Answer

This is probably 3 years too late, but others may benefit. There is normally a security in place for SQL server that if you are logged into the server as domain admin, you have to start up SQL Management Studio with a Run As Administrator option. If you start up SQL Management Studio "normally" it won't let you log in BECAUSE you are Domain Admin.

Sysadmin Guy