Windows – Allow a user to remotely unlock a file on a windows share


Stupid question but is there any way a user can remotely unlock a file which is open by another user on a shared drive?

Here is my problem:
Engineer opens excel file which is on a shared folder on a windows 2k8 server (no domain). Accounting girl also needs to open excel file but engineer claims he does not have it open, forgets to close it or does not know how to close it (seriously). Accounting girl has to call Engineer two or three times a day to tell him to close the file. She also works weekends when engineer leaves his computer on with file open.

Any simple method or software utility to allow her to easily unlock the file or remotely kill his excel process?

Accounting girls PC is XP SP3
Engineers PC runs 7
Server is 2008 R2

And just to be clear, the engineer is somewhat computer illiterate. He unfortunately has ADD and dyslexia so while he is very smart, he has trouble dealing with little computer problems which drive him crazy. I do whatever I can to help. One of those guys who would rather the days of drawing boards and paper.

Best Answer

Yes, On the file server: In "server manager", "roles", "file services", right click "manage shares and memory", "manage open files".

You can do so also remotely if you run server manager elsewhere and right-click connect to a remote server.

Normally, hardly anyboday besides an Administrator can do that and should not do so lightly (with great power comes great responsibility).

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