Windows – Allow User to Shut Down XP from the Command Line


Using Remote Desktop (RDP/Terminal Services), I can't select Shutdown/Reboot from the Windows XP start menu, so I generally have to open a terminal and enter shutdown -s -t 0 to initiate an immediate shutdown.

But, for a new system, I have added a non-administrative user to the Remote Desktop Users group, and when I try to issue a shutdown command as that user, the command returns the following error:

A required privilege is not held by the client.

I verified that my user has the "Shutdown" privilege in the Security Settings (in the Group Policy editor: Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment, the Shut down the system policy). What other privilege do I need?

Best Answer

In addition to the Shut down the system right, also ensure the user has the right to the Force shutdown from a remote system policy.

In my case, I added the Remote Desktop Users group to that policy.