Amazon EC2 – Allowing Web Access to Windows Server 2008 Instance Running Tomcat

amazon ec2amazon-web-serviceswindowswindows-server-2008

The instance I choose was the following:

Basic 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (AMI Id: ami-d9e40db0)
Microsoft Windows 2008 R1 SP2 Datacenter edition and 64-bit architecture.

I have installed Tomcat + an application and AM able to see the website when I access the local IP thru IE (in the EC2 instance).

However, when I try accessing it as:

* the assigned Elastic IP
* the

from the EC2 instance itself or from outside, it doesn't work. IE says:
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

I've tried:

* disabling the Firewall -> no luck
* waiting for a bit -> no luck

I can't ping the machine assigned Elastic IP either.

The allowed connections (as seen in Amazon's Management Console) is as:

Connection Method  Protocol From Port     To Port   Source (IP or group)
SSH              tcp               22          22
RDP              tcp             3389        3389
DNS                 tcp            53          53
DNS                 udp            53          53
HTTP                tcp            80          80

Best Answer

I figured it out... I wasn't disabling ALL of the Windows Firewalls!!

There are 3 in Windows Server 2008

Domain Profile

Private Profile

Public Profile

Disabling in each made it work... of course, at production time I will set these appropriately...