Windows – An alternative to NSClient++ for windows-based systems monitoring


First of all, I am fully aware of the existence of this question.

With that out of the way, – I am looking for something to monitor windows-based systems for metrics, that are impractical to collect via snmp (such as the presence of certain substrings in log files).

I've tried to use NSClient++, however it is extremely underdocumented (even the author admits it), so doing something even remotely non-standard is pure trial-and-error, which is unacceptable in the soon-to-be production environment. On top of that, the plugin CheckDisk.dll is supposedly broken in the latest "stable" release (0.3.6?) and reports incorrect results for the CheckFile2 test.

I have lost hope, really, but, nevertheless, perhaps I am missing something? Perhaps there is a working alternative to NSClient++ out there? Preferrably with a comprehensive documentation.

Either way, what do you use for monitoring windows-based hosts via nagios?

Best Answer

Out of curiosity, have you tried writing your own script for doing what you want to do?

NSClient++ is much like NRPE it is a transport for running script on remote server (in this case windows servers). Thus you have a lot of scripts you can run and you can also write your own. In Addition to this it also has some built-in commands (which now days are pretty "ok" documented according to the author (me) if not let me know what is missing) but the "flexibility" comes from scripting if you ask me.

And yes the CheckDisk had problems in the latest stable release and has (to my knowledge) been fixed since (and 0.3.7 will be out pretty soon which fixes this issue).

Anyways, sorry for barging in like this, but I played with "google alerts" and got an eamil with this link so I figured I might as well respond :P

(don't know if this is a double post but I the reply I write before was not here so i am re-posting)

// Michael Medin

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