Windows Apache logrotate.conf equivalent for rotatelogs.exe to overwrite logs


Our disk is getting full real fast on Windows with Apache Logs.I want to overwrite old log files so that there are only 10 files at any 1 time with a capacity of 5M each.
Is there a way to use rotate 4 like on logrotate.conf in Unix to rotate the logs after 4 files are created in Windows ?

I looked at this entry but that didn't help.
Rotate other logs with rotatelogs.exe

Best Answer

New solution

#ErrorLog "logs/error.log"
ErrorLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l D:/Apache2.2/logs/error.%Y.%m.%d.log 86400"

#CustomLog "logs/access.log" common
CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l D:/Apache2.2/logs/access.%Y.%m.%d.log 86400" common

#TransferLog "D:/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_access.log"
TransferLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l D:/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_access.%Y.%m.%d.log 86400"

#CustomLog "D:/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_request.log" \
#          "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l D:/Apache2.2/logs/ssl_request.%Y.%m.%d.log 86400" \
      "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"